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Creatorbase is the largest and best resource for creator tools. It will be the starting point for many creators, creator tool founders and investors involved in the creator economy. We regularly add new tools and resources to the site and publish a monthly newsletter to keep our subscribers informed of the latest tools and activity in the space.

Featured Listing (1 Week)

1 week feature
🚀 For 1 Week, you will be listed in the featured section at the top of our directory

🚀 Free Permanent Listing on Creatorbase - Product will not be filtered out during regular list pruning
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Featured Listing (1 Month)

1 month feature
🚀 For 1 month, you will be listed in the featured section at the top of our directory

🚀 Free Permanent Listing on Creatorbase - Product will not be filtered out during regular list pruning
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What happens once I've made payment?

1. Make payment via the "Purchase Ad Spot" button in card above. Once you've receive your receipt, it means your purchase has been confirmed.

2. You'll receive an email from Creatorbase with a form to be filled out with the relevant tool and business details. We will let you know the next open slot when your product will be featured and will email you once it is live, with the starting date/time and ending date/time details. The time period starts upon listing going live on the site.

When will my product be live on the site?

1. Once you submit payment, we will send you an email within 24-48 hours to let you know when on the next soonest open slot when your product will be featured. If there is no other ad ahead of yours, your ad will be live within the following 24-48 hours.